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Curriculum Vita





Personal Information

Name: David C. Hymes
Ordination: Assemblies of God, USA (1985)
Status: Missionary to Japan (1989-2004; 2008 to present); to APTS, Philippines (2004 to 2008)

Post-Secondary Education

Bethany Bible College, Santa Cruz, CA, 1978, B.A.
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, 1983, M.Div.
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, 1984, Th.M.
University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 2010, Ph.D.

Non-Teaching Ministry Experience

Assistant Pastor – Japanese Assembly of God San Jose, CA, U.S.A., 1976-1978
Worker and Youth Director – Evangel Assembly of God, Campbell, CA, U.S.A., 1978-1980
Staff Member – First Assembly of God Pennington, NJ, U.S.A., 1980-1984
Pastor – Cambridge Christian Center, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 1984-1989
Pastor – Sunshine Christian Church, Tokyo, Japan, 1992-1994
Pastor – Asumigaoka Christ Church, Chiba, Japan, 2000-2001
Pastor - Tsukuba International Christian Assembly, 2010-Present

Teaching Experience

Foothill Christian Academy, Milpitas, CA, U.S.A., 1979-1980 - 7th grade & science
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's CUME, Boston, 1988 - Adjunct Professor
Central Bible College Tokyo, Japan, 1991-2004; 2008-present - Professor
Continental Theological Seminary Brussels, Belgium, 1996, 97, 98 - Guest instructor
Assemblies of God Bible College in Singapore, Singapore 1994, 2000, 2002, 2003 - Guest instructor
Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore, 2001, 2003 - Guest instructor
Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Extension Malaysia 1996-2001 - Guest instructor
Charles Wright Academy, Tacoma, WA, 2004-2005 – Substitute Japanese instructor
Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Baguio, Philippines 1997-2004, - Guest instructor; Non-Resident Faculty; 2005-2008 - Resident Faculty

Courses Taught

Languages: Biblical Hebrew I & II, III; Biblical Aramaic; Biblical Greek I & II

Old Testament: Pentateuch; Historical Books; Exegesis of Samuel; Exegesis of Samuel and Kings; Exegesis of Isaiah; Exegesis of Job; Exegesis of Jeremiah; Exegesis of Ezekiel; Exegesis of Daniel; Minor Prophets; O.T. Background; Exegesis of Genesis; Exegesis of Exodus; Exegesis of Numbers; Postexilic History and Literature; O.T. Survey; O.T. Theology; O.T. Introduction; O.T. Hermeneutics

Others: N.T. Background; Church History III; Biblical Introduction; Theological Research Methods; Hermeneutics; Biblical Foundations for Missiology; Theological English; Pastoral Care; Biblical Theology

Awards and Recognition

1978 Graduated Bethany Bible College, Summa Cum Laude
1978 Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society
1982 Benjamin Stanton Prize for Old Testament Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary

Publications, Papers, and Responses

1. "The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament" Kôdan (1992). (re-edited edition)
2. "Being Spiritual: Forms of Pentecostal Spirituality" APEO Renewal Manual, 3-1 to 3-14.
3. "Notes on Joel 3.1-5," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 1 (1998).
4. (with M. Suzuki) "Pre-war Protestant Japanese Revivals from 1859 through the 1890's," Hayama (1999).
5. "Numbers 12: Of Priests, Prophets, or “None of the Above,” Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 24 (1998), 3-32.
6. "The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement in Japan" New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, edited by Stanley Burgess.
7. "An Introduction and Experiment in Pluriform Textual Studies: Numbers 10.1-10ff.," presented at the 2005 APTS Lectureship.
8. "Heroic Leadership in the Wilderness: Leadership in the book of Numbers," a paper read at the Theological Commission Symposium of APTA, Singapore, September, 2006; "Heroic Leadership in the Wilderness, Part 1." AJPS 9, no. 2 (2006): 295-318; "Heroic Leadership in the Wilderness, Part 2." AJPS 10, no. 1 (2007): 3-21.
9. "Critical Methodologies and the Pentecostal Movement: Some Initial Observations" - presented at the 2007 APTS Lectureship. This is a first attempt on a longer study on Pentecostal Old Testament Scholarship.
10. "Blessing and Cursing in the Book of Numbers: A Corrective to a Magical Understanding of "words" in Pop-Christianity" - presented at the 2007 ATS Conference, Manila, Philippines.
11. "Quails, Elders and Prophesying through Compound Eyes: A Pluriform Analysis of Numbers 11," presented at the 2008 APTS Lectureship.
12. "Reflections on Dr. Mark Hutchinson's “Third Race and Third Culture – Academic Freedom in Pentecostal Colleges: The View from Australia” - APTA General Assembly, 9-2008
13. "Numbers 11:  A Pentecostal Perspective," in Central Bible College: 60th Anniversary Volume, 175-203.


A Pluriform Analysis of Numbers 10.11-14.45.

Note: As an expression of my own version of "copyleft," I invite you to use whatever you find here. Please cite the site if you use any of my papers or lecture materials. Blessings!